Sharing enlightening moments of home automation

Tag: tasmota

  • Regain Local Control to Smart Panel Heater

    Regain Local Control to Smart Panel Heater

    It’s time for an update on my Arlec panel heater (Model PEH223HA) after I partially lost control of the device in Home Assistant. So, here are the steps that I took to regain access.

  • Winter is coming – Local Control for Smart Panel Heater

    Winter is coming – Local Control for Smart Panel Heater

    Two winters ago in 2019 I bought an Arlec smart panel heater from Bunnings and finally took some time to integrate it into Home Assistant. Luckily it was old enough so that tuya convert worked without any problems. Initially I thought the heater would have the usual ESP-MCU combination built in, so I tried going…

  • ESPHome’s fan-tastic rescue

    ESPHome’s fan-tastic rescue

    After successfully retrofitting a smart fan controller onto an older ceiling fan, it was time to install and upgrade more ceiling fans around the house. In this post I am describing how I integrated a Brilliant Bahama smart ceiling fan into Home Assistant, and in the next post I am going to show how I…

  • Taking the old ceiling fan for a smart spin

    Taking the old ceiling fan for a smart spin

    I have recently bought a Brilliant Smart WiFi Ceiling Fan Controller for a bedroom ceiling fan in our house. This is a Tuya device but I wanted to avoid signing up to the Tuya cloud service to operate my ceiling fan under all circumstances. In this article I just wanted to share a few learnings…