Sharing enlightening moments of home automation

Subfloor Ventilation Made Easy

A subfloor ventilation system is probably something that most people get installed, configured and then forget about. And in many cases that might be fine, but if you had the opportunity, wouldn’t it be better to take more control over such a system? I decided to do exactly that and control the ventilation system based on environmental sensors.

Earlier this year we have had a very wet summer and autumn – in the months from February to April we had as much rain as normally falls within a whole year in this area. A lot of this water did not know where to go and decided to dissipate through the brick walls ending up under the house. That space is not really made for that much water and humidity, partially because it is right under our timber floor.

I knew I had to improve the subfloor ventilation somehow. Of course that does not necessarily help with large amounts of liquid water under the house, but I was more looking for long term moisture control and to be better prepared for wild weather events.

Moisture Control

The key to moisture control is to first acknowledge that outside air and the air under the house can differ in temperature and humidity, and to then use the smarts of home automation to ventilate the area accordingly.

“Water vapor may be removed from indoor air by dehumidification (e.g., air conditioners or dehumidifiers) or by ventilation air when the outdoor air is dry. Ventilating air only dehumidifies the indoors when the outdoor air dew point is lower than the indoor air dew point.”

(from Moisture Control Guidance for Building Design, Construction and Maintenance)

This guidance from the EPA tells us what to really focus on when automating a ventilation system – dew points. We will come back to this after I explain the physical installation of the system.

Choosing the subfloor fan system

The subfloor area under our house can essentially be distinguished into 3 different zones, and the main area of concern is under the centre of the house where there is little to no fresh air coming from 3 sides of the house, and where I have started installing underfloor insulation which is supposed to also prevent air exchange with the house (and hopefully keeping us warm this winter). That space is about 10 metres long, 4 metres wide and 1 metre high.

I decided to buy a ducted ventilation kit with a single fan and two intakes. This particular kit promises a silent fan and comes with all sorts of accessories.

Installing the system

I installed the fan itself close to the outlet in the wall and onto a brick column under the house.

Subfloor Ducting Fan

The vent holes in the brick walls are all rectangular while the duct is round with a 150mm diameter. I wanted to avoid drilling a huge round hole into the wall, and thus decided to 3D print an adapter that fits exactly into an existing hole in the wall and into the duct.

Subfloor Ducting Outlet Inside

The only thing I would change in a future version of this 3D printed adapter would be to move the round side up and off the centre to reduce the risk that rain can enter the duct (we occasionally have very heavy rain, heavy wind and it rains sideways).

Subfloor Ducting Outlet Outside

On the outside I added some mesh to keep rodents and insects out of the system.

Subfloor Ducting 1

The installation of the ducting itself is fairly straightforward; the kit comes with simple straps that can be stapled onto the joists to suspend the ducting including the air inlets under the floor.

Subfloor Ducting 2
Subfloor Ducting Inlet

Modifying the fan

Most of the ventilation kits I found come with a very simple timer plug that goes between fan and power outlet and really just allows for turning the fan on and off at fixed times. And that might be fine if you really only want to get the air flowing from time to time. However, I am specifically interested in keeping my subfloor dry, and hence need a more sophisticated remote control.

Depending on what you may already have available and the actual fan you have chosen, a remote controllable plug might be the way to go. In my case I decided to install a Shelly 1PM to achieve my goal.

Be aware that you are entering danger territory here. If you don’t know how to modify 240V devices, please just use a plug-in device to remote control your fan!

Fan control without Shelly

The case on top of the fan is large enough to easily house a Shelly 1PM, so space is not a problem at all. The other interesting question is: The fan itself comes with a 2-way switch which essentially turns on the fan into two different speeds. Instead of using a Shelly 2.5 to somehow wire the 2-way switch into that and be able to remote control two different speeds, I decided to keep it simple and only use the Shelly 1PM to turn on/off the fan at the speed that is selected by the physical switch. After all, I can now turn the fan on/off remotely.

The trade-off that you need to make is: Either turn on the fan at high speed which is louder but you may only need to run it for a shorter period of time vs. select the lower speed which is softer but you may run the fan longer. I decided to go with the latter option for now.

Fan control with Shelly

The actual wiring is fairly straightforward:

  • From the terminal strip, remove the wire from the top left and connect it to the Shelly’s O pin.
  • Connect a new wire from the terminal strip’s top left to Shelly’s L1 pin.
  • Connect a new wire from the terminal strip’s second row from the top to the Shelly’s N pin.

Turning Shelly device into fan

By default the Shelly device presents itself as a switch in Home Assistant. Of course this switch can be used in the following automation, but I thought it would be neater to wrap the switch in a template fan.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Subfloor Centre Fan"
        value_template: "{{ states('switch.shelly_subfloor_fan') }}"
          service: switch.turn_on
            entity_id: switch.shelly_subfloor_fan
          service: switch.turn_off
            entity_id: switch.shelly_subfloor_fan
        availability_template:  "{{ not is_state('switch.shelly_subfloor_fan', 'unavailable')  }}"

Measuring temperature, humidity and dew point


I have an Ecowitt weather station on the roof which already measures outside temperature and humidity, and also calculates the dew point, so I just use that value.

Ecowitt Weather Data


Because access to that particular subfloor area is rather difficult I wanted to avoid battery powered sensors and decided to build two very simple devices myself each consisting of a Lolin D1 Mini v4 and a SHT31-D sensor, running ESPHome. The devices are powered via USB and I just purchased some USB extension cables to install them where I wanted under the house.

Subfloor Ducting with Sensor

Dew Point

Home Assistant Thermal Comfort Dew Point

Calculating the dew point can become a bit complicated. Luckily there is a HACS library “thermal_comfort” that helps calculating the dew point. And because I actually installed two devices measuring temperature and humidity, I even went through the effort to calculate the average temperature and humidty and then use those values as the input to the thermal_comfort integration.

Automating the fan

General approach

The automation of the fan follows these principles:

  • The fan only runs during daytime.
  • The fan only runs if the difference between outside dew point and subfloor dew point is greater or equal to 2°C. I have defined a template binary sensor that compares those two values and also delays its state change by 10 minutes to ensure that the sensor is not flapping.
  • The fan is turned on and off during the day to allow fresh air that entered the subfloor space to absorb moisture before the air is pulled out again.

Sensors and Helpers

To make this automation work and to retain a level of control a couple of template sensors and helpers are required:

  • A template binary sensor that compares the two dew points – outside and under the house – and turns off if the difference is greater or equal to 2°C. I defined a device class “safety” for this which maps the off state to “Safe”, which I here interpret as safe to run the fan.
  • A “Times of the Day” sensor that turns on between a defined start and end time each. I decided to keep it on from 9:00 to 17:00 each day.
  • Two “Number” helpers; one that defines the time in minutes that the fan should run, and a second one that defines for how long the fan should pause.
  • Two corresponding “Timers”; one used when the fan is running, and another one used when the fan is paused.
  • A “Toggle” helper that is used to control whether or not the fan is supposed to be automated or not. This allows for full manual control when needed.
  • A history stats sensor that measures the total time that the fan is running each day.

Template sensor comparing dew points

  - binary_sensor:
      # Sensor is "on" = "unsafe" means the temperature difference is too small.
      - name: "Subfloor Centre Dew Point Difference"
        unique_id: subfloow_centre_dew_point_difference
        state: "{{ (states('sensor.subfloor_centre_dew_point') | float(0.0) - states('sensor.pws_outdoor_dew_point') | float(0.0)) < 2.0  }}"
        device_class: safety
          minutes: 10
          minutes: 10
        availability: "{{ not is_state('sensor.subfloor_centre_dew_point', 'unavailable') and not is_state('sensor.subfloor_centre_dew_point', 'unknown') and not is_state('sensor.pws_outdoor_dew_point', 'unavailable') and not is_state('sensor.pws_outdoor_dew_point', 'unknown') }}"

Times of the Day

Time of the Day – Fan run timeframe
Time of the Day – Fan run timeframe options

Number and Timer for running fan

Number – Fan run for
Timer – Fan running

Number and Timer for paused fan

Number – Fan pause for
Timer – Fan paused


Toggle – Fan automate

History stats sensor for fan run duration

  - platform: history_stats
    name: "Subfloor Centre Fan Running Today"
    entity_id: fan.subfloor_centre
    state: 'on'
    type: time
    start: '{{ now().replace(hour=0).replace(minute=0).replace(second=0) }}'
    end: '{{ now() }}'

Overview of all entities

Subfloor Sensors and Controls


With all the features added to Home Assistant’s automation options, I was able to condense all aspects into a single automation that controls the state of the fan under all circumstances (also thanks to user swa72 in the community forum for some great inspiration).

alias: Subfloor Centre Fan
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.subfloor_centre_dew_point_difference
    from: 'on'
    to: 'off'
    id: dew_point_difference_safe
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.subfloor_centre_dew_point_difference
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
    id: dew_point_difference_unsafe
  - platform: event
    event_type: timer.finished
      entity_id: timer.subfloor_centre_fan_running
    id: fan_running_finished
  - platform: event
    event_type: timer.finished
      entity_id: timer.subfloor_centre_fan_paused
    id: fan_paused_finished
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.subfloor_centre_fan_run_timeframe
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
    id: run_timeframe_start
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.subfloor_centre_fan_run_timeframe
    from: 'on'
    to: 'off'
    id: run_timeframe_end
  - platform: state
      - input_boolean.subfloor_centre_fan_automate
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
    id: automate_fan_on
  - platform: state
      - input_boolean.subfloor_centre_fan_automate
    from: 'on'
    to: 'off'
    id: automate_fan_off
  - condition: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.subfloor_centre_fan_automate
    state: 'on'
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - dew_point_difference_safe
              - run_timeframe_start
              - fan_paused_finished
              - automate_fan_on
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.subfloor_centre_dew_point_difference
            state: 'off'
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.subfloor_centre_fan_run_timeframe
            state: 'on'
          - service: fan.turn_on
            data: {}
              entity_id: fan.subfloor_centre
          - service: timer.start
              duration: >-
                {{states('input_number.subfloor_centre_fan_run_for') | int *
              entity_id: timer.subfloor_centre_fan_running
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: fan_running_finished
          - service: fan.turn_off
            data: {}
              entity_id: fan.subfloor_centre
          - service: timer.start
              duration: >-
                {{states('input_number.subfloor_centre_fan_pause_for') | int *
              entity_id: timer.subfloor_centre_fan_paused
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - run_timeframe_end
              - dew_point_difference_unsafe
          - service: fan.turn_off
            data: {}
              entity_id: fan.subfloor_centre
          - service: timer.cancel
            data: {}
                - timer.subfloor_centre_fan_running
                - timer.subfloor_centre_fan_paused
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: automate_fan_off
          - service: timer.cancel
            data: {}
                - timer.subfloor_centre_fan_running
                - timer.subfloor_centre_fan_paused
mode: queued


So far the fan and its automation is working fine. I haven’t actually added any kind of notifications yet, for example to notify me how many hours the fan actually ran each day or maybe just to notify me if it hasn’t run for several subsequent days.


At the time of writing this post, I used:

  • Home Assistant 2022.6.7 with Python 3.9.12
  • Shelly 1PM on firmware v1.11.8
  • Ecowitt WS80 sensor with GW1100 gateway on firmware v2.1.5


8 responses to “Subfloor Ventilation Made Easy”

  1. Bastian Avatar

    Hi, thanks for sharing this. I am planning to use it as I am looking for exactly the same. Is it possible to also share the configuration of the sensors and helpers you created that it is possible to check if I set them up correctly?

    1. malte Avatar

      Sure, no problem. I added screenshots for all the helpers and the YAML configuration for the remaining sensors I defined.

      1. Bastian Avatar

        Awesome, thank you very much!

  2. Mandan Avatar

    Hi Malte,

    Super impressive and well written/documented.

    I was wondering if you could share in a new post your experience and if you have some do/don’t after the time running this solution.

    I also would like to know where is your house located geographically.

    We just bought a house with a basement that during beginning of spring and some time during autumn gets humid and there is a need to dry with a dryer now and then. Our location is some part in the middle of Sweden along the coast. So after winter when outside is melting the water find its way below the house and humidity arises.

    In our home the solution that we need requires to be incorporated to our need to move around the basement since laundry, storage and tools are placed there.

    1. malte Avatar

      Hi Mandan, I am located in Sydney/Australia, so winter is quite different for me. There is no frost or snow where I live. However, we do experience heavy rain from time to time, sometimes over several days or even weeks.
      So far I am still pretty happy with my setup and it’s running very smoothly. Originally I put this solution in because last year was an extremely wet year; this year rain fall appears to be back to normal. In the meantime I have installed additional sensors in other areas under the house to monitor humidity more closely there, and realised that there is one area that seems to be well ventilated but still shows higher humidity than the remaining subfloor area. So that area may benefit from a fan system, too.

      1. Mandan Avatar

        Thanks Malte,
        We are pretty north and winters are long with plenty snow. But I guess our problems may seem similar to humidity factors since is not in winter or summer where it is a concern rather than those really wet months.

        I have not yet move to the new place and will be my first experience to have a basement. So far i don’t feel like suggesting or advising anyone. However when we inspected the basement before the buy, the inspector suggested to control the vents in our basement, because sometime difference in inner and outer temperatures that leaks there can make a difference. For example he mentioned during warmer periods when humidity is high is good to close the vents to allow a more milder temperature in the basement and not reduce relative humidity.

        The actual solution in the house is to collect humidity on a dehumidifier.

        I was wondering one thing, how is the noise level in your basement? Do you use it to store things there? or your solution is to protect the upper side towards your house?


        1. malte Avatar

          I wouldn’t call the space where I installed this fan a basement, it’s just the space between my timber floor boards and dirt under the house. As you can see from the photos in the blog post, it’s a very confined space there. I do use some areas to store building material, and I actually installed a server rack in one area under the house (on a little concrete slab), but there is nothing perishable under the house.
          So, noise under the house is also not an issue at all. This fan sits under our dining room, fairly far from any bedrooms. However, I do only run the fan between 8am and 6pm. When the fan is running it’s barely audible, you can really only hear it if you are standing right above it and know it’s there. I made sure to mount the fan itself directly onto brick pillars under the house, not onto any of the timber framing.

          Other than that my underfloor space does not really have any option to open or close the air flow. The walls have large ventilation holes built right into them. I guess the idea here is that it normally regulates itself. However, due to various restrictions in how the house is placed and sloping land, some of the natural ventilation does not really work, and so I threw some technology at this to control humidity.

  3. Sascha Avatar

    Hi Malte,

    I just want to thank you for sharing this post.
    It really mage my day.
    Looking for a long period of time on how to dry my cellar without an expensive demoisturing system I’m using a solar – air collector. To be precise I build this one:
    But as the automation is quite complex, I’m glad I found your website.

    A big thank you and all the best,


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